What We Do

We want to encourage and promote the well being of deaf people through sport

We want to provide learning access and support for all people with special needs.

Our Worldwide Vision

We're working with people with a variety of special needs requirements to enable the advancement of online educational resources for people with special learning needs, with an immediate focus on the deaf and hard of hearing population in the UK

Our Main Aims Are...

Address the support shortage

As ambitious sports players, deafness sometimes gets in the way of training or taking part in matches or competitions, dampening enthusiasm, reducing passion and potentially leading to ill-health through anxiety, frustration and mental illness.

Provide personalised support

So that deaf sports players can compete on a level playing field with their hearing peers. For example, some are anxious in using public transport to travel to training or venues for fear of missing out on important messages on public address systems.

Raise funds for D/deaf players

Helping D/deaf sportspeople overcome concerns they may have simply because they are D/deaf. Assistance individually tailored to the varying needs of D/deaf sports players so their interest in their sport doesn't wane just because of barriers.

Recognise sportspersons' fundraising difficulty

To be aware that some D/deaf sports players have difficulty in raising funds to enable them to participate in their respective chosen field of sport, which takes up time, time that should be best utilised in training.

Recognise the importance of communication

Communication can be an issue when interpreters are not around, creating an air of uncertainty. Appropriate communication channels allow D/deaf sports players to have confidence to progress with their sporting skills.

Deaf Sports First wants to build onto the success of its social & educational work which has been achieved by Deafax, Decibels, Specialkidz, Deaf Aspirations, Ability2Access, AACT and EASiTEC.

Future Activities & Projects

Below is a list of potential future Deaf Sports First activities & projects we are endavouring to organise

To explore opportunities to collaborate with interested parties to introduce D/deaf sports players to Sports & Football Centres of Excellence in the UK, for example Olympic Park / Manchester United / Loughborough University / Arsenal / Wembley / Twickenham and many more.

The collaboration opportunities explored will be directed towards D/deaf people's education and training to become sports leaders and managers working with deaf children, young people and adults.

To establish accessible training centres for D/deaf people directed primarily towards the development of sporting & football skills and the use of Sports and Science Technologies

To foster, promote, commission and undertake deaf related sports & football research and development with leading universities such as:

  • University of Reading, which we already have close ties with through METEC
  • Loughborough University where Ken Carter, who is one of the Founding Directors of Deaf Sports First, is an Alumni and keeps in touch with the Sports Technology Institute.

The outcomes of any such research and development will be disseminated for the benefit of D/deaf sports players.

To provide the introduction of D/deaf sports players/coaches/managers to their local club of their sporting interest and their facilities and to National and International competitions.

To support financially those D/deaf people in need who represent both GBDF(Great Britain Deaf Football) Men and Women teams.

To train small groups of sports & football coaches, mentors, teachers, parents and others so that they can understand and help people with the challenges of deafness and related disabilities

To act as a dissemination organization with regard to sports & football research and development outcomes.

To foster, initiate and develop projects concerned with sports & football management and leadership with D/deaf people’s needs as a priority

To encourage social ‘wellbeing’ opportunities for people with deafness and their families and peers.